Liz, Looks great, I know how much work it takes to get something going creatively yourself. A lot of days I wonder if things will ever work out for me personally. I really like the hands photograph and the black and whites. Take advantage of the tight depth of field on nikor glass. If you ever need a specialty lens call me I have a few I never use.
I really like a little light promist filter on portraits, I suggest you give it a try. Also check out the 50mm or 85mm primes at sub 1.4f they are great for intimate photography but also come with a cost. Keep it up and great placement of natural light.
1 comment:
Looks great, I know how much work it takes to get something going creatively yourself. A lot of days I wonder if things will ever work out for me personally.
I really like the hands photograph and the black and whites. Take advantage of the tight depth of field on nikor glass. If you ever need a specialty lens call me I have a few I never use.
I really like a little light promist filter on portraits, I suggest you give it a try. Also check out the 50mm or 85mm primes at sub 1.4f they are great for intimate photography but also come with a cost. Keep it up and great placement of natural light.
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